
How to record iPhone screen

To record iPhone screen has never been easier Developing great new iOS application requires not just a usable application, but also a great video presentation of it. How it works, basic usability tricks to make users want to get your new application which you spent numerous hours to make it perfect. If you are working…


Working OAuth2 with Foursquare on Sinatra

require ‘rubygems’ require ‘sinatra’ require ‘oauth2’ require ‘json’ require ‘net/https’ require ‘foursquare2’ set :port, 80 CLIENT_ID = ‘****************************************************’ CLIENT_SECRET = ‘****************************************************’ CALLBACK_PATH = ‘/callbacks/foursquare’ def client, CLIENT_SECRET, {:site => ‘’, :token_url => “/oauth2/access_token”, :authorize_url => “/oauth2/authenticate?response_type=code”, :parse_json => true, :ssl => {:ca_path => ‘/etc/ssl/certs’ } }) end def redirect_uri() uri = URI.parse(request.url) uri.path =…